The average house price on NOTLEY PLACE is £274,748
The most expensive house in the street is 1 NOTLEY PLACE with an estimated value of £401,558
The cheapest house in the street is 8 NOTLEY PLACE with an estimated value of £134,001
The house which was most recently sold was 7 NOTLEY PLACE, this sold on 5 May 2022 for £180,000
The postcode for NOTLEY PLACE is GL3 3PJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 NOTLEY PLACE Semi-Detached £401,558 £230,000 10 Jun 2011
2 NOTLEY PLACE Semi-Detached £331,538 £187,000 30 Oct 2009
4 NOTLEY PLACE Semi-Detached £375,534 £279,950 22 Jul 2016
6 NOTLEY PLACE Flats/Maisonettes £221,043 £59,950 20 Oct 2000
7 NOTLEY PLACE Flats/Maisonettes £184,815 £180,000 5 May 2022
8 NOTLEY PLACE Flats/Maisonettes £134,001 £84,000 21 Feb 2014